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谭伯川,男,1992年2月生,四川达州人,重庆大学工学博士,硕士研究生导师。入选第八届中国科协青年人才托举工程2022年入选全球前2%顶尖科学家年度影响力榜单。从事金属材料的腐蚀与防护研究工作,专注高通量分子模拟计算和电化学测试技术,致力于新型绿色高效缓蚀剂研究工作,在国内外期刊上发表高水平学术论文70余篇,一作及通讯论文20余篇,论文被引4300余次,个人H-index 32,高被引论文9篇(一作7篇),一篇入选2021年中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文;申请发明专利6项,授权专利2项,拥有软件著作权7项,参编缓蚀剂英文专著1部;主持重庆市自然科学基金1项,重庆市教委科学技术研究项目1项,四川省重点实验室开放基金1项,重庆市研究生创新项目1项;担任polymers (IF 4.96)期刊的客座编辑和《轧钢》青年编委以及重庆市表面工程协会理事,同时担任Electrochimica Acta, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Construction and Building Materials, Journal of Molecular Liquids和Scientific Reports等多个国际期刊审稿人;获得2022年中国腐蚀与防护学会科学技术二等奖以及2023年中国发明协会创业奖创新奖二等奖


2012/09-2016/07 山西大同大学,化学与环境工程学院,化学,学士

2016/09-2021/07 重庆大学,化学化工学院,化学工程与技术,博士


2021/09-至今 威尼斯569vip游戏,威尼斯569vip游戏,讲师




[1] B. Tan, A. Fu, L. Guo, Y. Ran, J. Xiong, R. Marzouki, W. Li, Insight into anti-corrosion mechanism of Dalbergia odorifera leaves extract as a biodegradable inhibitor for X70 steel in sulfuric acid medium. Ind. Crops Prod. 194 (2023) 116106. (ESI高被引论文)

[2] B Tan, W Lan, S Zhang, H. Deng, Y. Qiang, A. Fu, Y. Ran, J. Xiong , R. Marzouki, W. Li, Passiflora edulia Sims leaves Extract as renewable and degradable inhibitor for copper in sulfuric acid solution. Colloid. Surface. A. 645 (2022) 128892. (ESI高被引论文)

[3] B. Tan, J. He, S. Zhang, C. Xu, S. Chen, H. Liu, W. Li, Insight into anti-corrosion nature of Betel leaves water extracts as the novel and eco-friendly inhibitors. J. Colloid Interf. Sci. 585 (2021) 287–301. (ESI高被引论文)

[4] B. Tan, B. Xiang, S. Zhang, Y. Qiang, L. Xu, S. Chen, J. He, Papaya leaves extract as a novel eco-friendly corrosion inhibitor for Cu in H2SO4 medium. J. Colloid Interf. Sci. 582 (2021) 918–931. (ESI高被引论文)

[5] B. Tan, S. Zhang, H. Liu, Y. Guo, Y. Qiang, W. Li, L. Guo, C. Xu, S. Chen, Corrosion inhibition of X65 steel in sulfuric acid by two food flavorants 2-isobutylthiazole and 1-(1,3-Thiazol-2-yl) ethanone as the green environmental corrosion inhibitors: Combination of experimental and theoretical researches. J. Colloid Interf. Sci. 538 (2019) 519–529. (ESI高被引论文)

[6] B. Tan, S. Zhang, Y. Qiang, L. Guo, L. Feng, C. Liao, Y. Xu, S. Chen. A combined experimental and theoretical study of the inhibition effect of three disulfide-based flavouring agents for copper corrosion in 0.5 M sulfuric acid. J. Colloid Interf. Sci. 526 (2018) 268–280. (ESI高被引论文)

[7] B. Tan, S. Zhang, Y. Qiang, W. Li, H. Li, L. Feng, L. Guo, C. Xu, S. Chen, G. Zhang. Experimental and theoretical studies on the inhibition properties of three diphenyl disulfide derivatives on copper corrosion in acid medium. J. Mol. Liq. 298 (2020) 111975. (ESI高被引论文)

[8] X. Zuo, W. Li , W. Luo, X. Zhang, Y. Qiang, J. Zhang, H. Li, B. Tan*, Research of Lilium brownii leaves extract as a commendable and green inhibitor for X70 steel corrosion in hydrochloric acid. Journal of Molecular Liquids 321 (2021) 114914. (ESI高被引论文)

[9] B. Tan, A. Fu, L. Guo, Y. Ran, J. Xiong, R. Marzouki, Insight into anti-corrosion mechanism of Dalbergia odorifera leaves extract as a biodegradable inhibitor for X70 steel in sulfuric acid medium. Ind. Crop. Prod. 194 (2023) 116106.

[10] B. Tan, S. Zhang, X. Cao, A. Fu, L. Guo, R. Marzouki, W. Li, Insight into the anti-corrosion performance of two food flavors as eco-friendly and ultra-high performance inhibitors for copper in sulfuric acid medium. J. Colloid Interf. Sci. 609 (2022) 838–851.

[11] B. Tan, S. Zhang, J. He, W. Li, Y. Qiang, Q. Wang, C. Xu, S. Chen, Insight into anti-corrosion mechanism of tetrazole derivatives for X80 steel in 0.5 M H2SO4 medium: Combined experimental and theoretical researches. Journal of Molecular Liquids 321 (2021) 114464.


1 谭伯川,兰伟,李文坡,强玉杰,郭雷,一种基于火棘果的缓蚀剂、制备方法及应用, 专利号:202210084545X. 授权

2 谭伯川,兰伟,李文坡,曹献龙,郭雷,强玉杰,一种黄花梨叶提取物缓蚀剂、制备方法及应用, 专利号:CN202210259858.4. 授权

3 郭雷, 谭伯川,赵俊梅,杨应昌,张仁辉,石维,一种金属表层防腐耐磨缓蚀涂料, 专利号:201910331169.8.

4 郭雷,石维,谭伯川,杨应昌,张仁辉,赵俊梅,一种自清洁高透光玻璃涂料, 专利号:CN109988498 A.

5 李文坡,徐铖,左秀丽,张鑫,谭伯川,一种黄栀子果实提取物缓蚀剂及其应用, 专利号:CN202110504481.X.

6 强玉杰,冉博元,张宏博,郭雷,李文坡,谭伯川,一种风力发电塔杆防腐涂料喷涂装置,专利号CN115970947A


1 谭伯川;张英超;徐春柳, 机器学习对缓蚀性能数据的监测管理系统 软著登字第11508988号

2 谭伯川;李文坡;强玉杰;郭雷,缓蚀剂防护效果测试评估在线软件 软著登字第11533740号

3 谭伯川;李文坡;郭雷,高效缓蚀剂智能研发监测系统 软著登字第11333475号

4 谭伯川;杨傲;朱爽爽,实验数据智能管理系统 软登字第10757314号

5 朱爽爽;杨傲;孙诗瑞;申威峰;谭伯川 基于NSGATI的精馏多目标优化软件 软著登字第11034679号

6 杨傲;朱爽爽;孙诗瑞;申威峰;谭伯川,基于PSO的反应萃取精馏优化软件 软著登字第10378924号







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